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One-minute wellness wonders

When we’re busy, “self-care” is often the first thing to suffer. The demands of family and working life are unceasing – someone needs to cook dinner, the laundry won’t wash itself, and someone, somewhere is waiting for that report/presentation/sales call. When the demands on our time and attention just won’t stop, self-care – the work we do to ensure our own mental and physical health – falls to the bottom of the to-do list, again and again.

It’s unfortunate, because those moments of self-care are the foundation of our wellness. If we aren’t taking care of ourselves, nobody else is, either, and soon our foundation begins to chip and crack, leaving ourselves and all the structures we uphold, at home and at work, vulnerable to collapse.

The good news is, we don’t have to devote hours and hours to complicated self-care regimens. This isn’t about regularly scheduled waxes, dye jobs and pedicures, elaborate cocktails of collagen and protein powder, or taking off to a week-long silent meditation retreat once a quarter. Instead, it’s about making the most of the time you have and using it to do something that shores up your personal reserves of time, energy and mental health.

Sometimes, shoring up your foundation only takes a minute.

Listen up
Modern life has its downsides, but the easy availability of meditation apps isn’t among them. Find an app you like (options include Calm and Headspace) and check out the one-minute meditations. When you have a moment – or when you need a minute to settle yourself – fire up a one-minute meditation to help you breathe, relax and re-centre.

Write it down
At this point, the whole idea of gratitude journals might feel a bit played out, but the science hasn’t changed: studies have shown that people who take the time to notice and appreciate the good things in their lives are happier. And it doesn’t need to be fancy: you can devote a special notebook to the project but it could be as simple as keeping a running list in the Notes app on your phone. Have a great cup of coffee? See the first robin? Able to finally breathe through both nostrils after the latest bout of “daycare drip”? In it goes!

Take five
When the busyness of life is swirling around you (and demanding more! snacks! now!) and you’re in danger of being overwhelmed, plant your feet on the floor, put one hand on your heart, breathe deeply, and take a quick sensory break. Notice five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. Keep running through the list, finding new items, until you feel centred again. Bonus points if you can step away from the fray for a minute to do this outside.

One-up yourself
Sure, nobody likes a one-upper, but it’s ok if you’re one-upping yourself. Try this as a strategy for making healthier choices – if you’re already walking, try to walk for one minute (or one block, or one song) more. If you’re making lunch, swap out one component for a healthier option (trade your cookie for a high-fibre granola bar or swap the white bread for a baked sweet potato, for instance).

Think ahead
Nobody really enjoys scheduling appointments but taking some time out to book your next check-up, mammogram or blood test is a good way of taking care of yourself. Once it’s on the books, you can relax knowing that you’re taking care of Future You.

Remember, self-care is the foundation of health. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, but it’s the most valuable way you can maintain your health and build your resilience for whatever challenges are coming your way.

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