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4 tips to squeeze the last juice from summer

It may be the end of August, but summer is still far from over (news flash: it isn’t technically autumn until Sept. 22!). However, the back-to-school and back-to-work hustle may be stealing your time and mental energy, making it easy to overlook activities that will help you keep enjoying summer’s simple pleasures while you can. Here are four ideas to keep the summer vibes rolling.

Prioritize unscheduled fun
As you ease back into your routine, set aside time for unscheduled activities. It doesn’t have to be complicated or costly: play fun backyard games, hold an impromptu scavenger hunt, visit a local museum or go on a hike with the kids. With the tourist season winding down, you won’t be dealing with crowds and busy highways. Who knows, you might enjoy your late-summer jaunt more than your vacation!

Take it outside
If you’ve been spending more time outside this summer, don’t give it up now! Being in nature just feels good and can boost your dopamine levels, lifting your mood and well-being. Head outside for a stroll at lunch time, hit the beach for a walk (and impromptu litter pickup!), pack a picnic to enjoy at your local park or dig out your bike and go for a ride on a path or trail in your community – you’ll feel great and you won’t be as sweaty as riding in the peak of summer (but don’t forget your water bottle and remember to slather on the sunscreen).

Savour local flavours
Keep an eye out for tasty finds at your local farmers’ market – peaches, corn and pears (and just about everything else!) are in season now, and apples are soon to follow. And don’t forget about the goodies you’ve nurtured in your own garden these last few months – pick those carrots, stew those tomatoes and look for other creative uses for your bounty. If you find you’ve got more than you need, share with your neighbours or drop it off at your local community pantry.

Plan for next year
If you’re really leaning into your green thumb, do an inventory of your yard. Take photos of your space to get the creative juices flowing for next year. There may be flowers and plants you can split/divide in the spring; document things now, so you’ll remember once May rolls around. You may want to plant bulbs this fall – think about where to plant them and stock up on bulbs early. Late summer is also a great time to pick something new for your backyard or patio, with local greenhouses having end-of-season sales on perennials, bushes, shrubs and planters.

No matter what you to do to make the most of late summer, think of it as tapping into a better version of yourself – getting more fresh air, eating healthier local food and spending more time doing things you enjoy while the sunny days are here.

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